Toulouse, 1888 – Paris 1950

Introduced at a very young age to the fine arts, theatre in particular, he arrived in Paris in 1907, when the city was the uncontested centre of art, with more than thirty thousand resident artists, between the Belle Epoque and Liberty style.

He started working for the fashion world, in a period where the manufacturing industry was facing a great change too.

He is famous for his glamourous drawings where the parisian scenes are the documentation of life. They are so popular today as they were when they were produced the first time.

The Icart’s representation of the woman is sensual, often erotic, but always has an umoristic element, which is important as much as the implicit or direct sexuality. The beautiful courtesans ride on pillows rich and thick, their facial expressions project passion, dismay or surprise, because Louis Icart’s women are France’s women like we imagined Eve, Leda, Venus, Scheherazade and Joane of Arc, all enveloped in an irresistible package.

He died in house in Paris, 20 December 1950.