Valvasone, 1523 – Mantua, 1593

Part of the comital family Cucagna, he dedicated most of his life to the care of his fief and only in 1592 became part of the court of the Duke of Mantua.

He’s the greatest friulian scholar in the ‘500.

Among his works, The Hunt, made in his youth, didactic, is maybe his best work.


Qui de la Caccia dilettosa e bella

L’origin s’ode, e ‘l suo principio vero:

Di far la razza vaga, forte, e snella

De’ Cani si descrive il modo intiero:

Indi de le lor patrie si favella

Dove più scelti son; poi del Levriero

Le doti rare, il gir veloce e lieve,

E ‘l modo s’apre, onde nutrir si deve