Vladyslav Yerko (born 1962 in Kiev) – Ukrainian artist-illustrator, member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine since 1989, winner of the 2nd prize at the International Poster Design Competition in Moscow (1987), winner and participant of numerous art and book exhibitions, winner of the title ‘Man of the Book’ as the best artist of 2002 according to the Russian edition ‘Book Review’. He is known for his collaboration with A-ba-ba-la-ma-ga and Sofia Publishers.

“Andersen’s ‘The Snow Queen’, illustrated by Yerko, published by the Ukrainian publishing house ‘A-ba-ba-la-ma-ga’, won the Grand Prize in the national competition ‘Knizhka roku-2000’ (Russian for ‘Book of the Year-2000’) as the best book, won the title of ‘Best Children’s Book 2006’ in the USA and the Medal of the Andersen Foundation. Paulo Coelho gave Erko’s The Snow Queen this characteristic: ‘It is the most surprising children’s book I have ever seen in my life’. ‘The Snow Queen’ has survived numerous reprints in many countries around the world, becoming a top seller for the English publisher Templar in 2005. The original illustration of The Snow Queen was valued at $28,000.

In 2004, the book ‘Tales of Misty Albion’ illustrated by Yerko won the national competition ‘Knizhka Roku-2003’.

In 2008, Yerko’s illustrated edition of the new Ukrainian translation of Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’, written by Y. Andrukhovych, received the Grand Prix at the Lviv Publishers Forum.